Nordinbad Battle

Nordinbad Battle

               There are four phase in this battle when you reach Nordinbad. You have to fight through all the 4 phase to get through the game. Otherwise there's no option. The favorable thing is this that whenever you clear a phase the game autosaves so there's no fear of playing the all phase all over again if you fail in any of the phases.

Phase I
Stopping the Orcs, Uruk Hai and destroying the towers.

That’s sound hard but believe me it is quite simple. When the phase starts you will see 2 turrets at the 2 corners of the stage above heading to the outside. You just keep your team on attack (press 'C' on windows) so that they keep the coming orcs busy. Go on the turrets and shot down the Uruk-Hai(s) who are standing on the wall. Change the turrets one by one to keep the balance of enemies on both sides because the coming and pouring bows from both sides. Also shoot the landing orcs down fighting with your team. Help them sometimes. I suggest you to always take a round look beside and behind you to make sure there are no orcs. If you find one kill it before it harms you because in this battle you'll need much health potions,so try to save them for last 2 phases as for they are difficult than first 2 phases.
So after making sure you are safe again hang on turrets and kill down all the enemies...kill those first with hammers and shield as they are stronger as compare to other ones. They damages higher. With turrets you can kill the hammer one in just 3 shots and shielded one will take 2. After then you'll hear the horns' sound and the towers start appearing by the walls...keep on firing the towers to destroy them(first focus on the enemies coming from them), also if you don’t destroy the towers, Beleram (eagle) will do the job.
Just keep in mind to toggle the sides so that you hold both sides' enemies. As long as you finish this phase. It will save automatically (you'll see a ring rotating).

Phase II
Stop the Sappers

As the phase 1 finish stay off the turret. Some catapult fire stones will destroy the turrets. Now you can't use them any further. You are again totally dependent on your swords and bows.
Turn around and fall back to the inner door and take out your bow and point the target. Sappers will come running and destroy itself near the inner door to damage it. You need to stop them from coming them near the gate try to keep the gate un-harm by shooting the bow on sappers far away from the inner gate. Don’t go and hit them by sword otherwise you'll lose your health.
As you finish the Sappers game round. THE GAME STARTS NOW.
I hope you have not lose much health or health potions, also you should have at least 30 bows.

Phase III
Protect the inner door from Trolls.
The trolls are the strongest creature in this phase. You'll face 2 trolls and 1 uruk hai (whom you can down any time easily). Do not waste your time on others. The strategy here is to stop the trolls from reaching the inner door. If they reach there, they will bang the door down and sadly it will take 6-7 hits by trolls to over the game. So here...what you have to do is, when the trolls came from the door point your target on one of them (I suggest you to play as Eradan or as Andriel for this phase) and press '3'(pc) for a stun bow will heavily damage the troll and then go near
and do the special attack to make a brutal hit. And then roll/dodge back (on pc movement keys + space). Again point the target on trolls and press 'C' (attacking command key) ,it will make your team to just get busy on trolls and down both of them easily. Believe me I just kill both of them down in just 1 minute with this strategy. After killing the trolls it is easily to kill the others. Regain the health and powers, change any 'need repairing' weapon or armor. If you have chose Andriel as your player then just keep shoting on the troll's face, it will irritate them and they will focus on you forgetting the inner door. This way you can easily knock them down. You will need power bottles for the shots. A lot and also if you have activated the power blast skill of Andriel that will be the best thing for you to clear the Nordinbad Battle in just some minutes. Believe me!
Get start, 

Phase 4
Killing the Orcs Champion

Choose Andriel for this phase. She's hot!
Now instantly when you stop the trolls the horn winds and the Orc's Champion (the boss) rush into the battle field. The archers will still be there on wall so ignore them. With the boss there will 2 dual-wielded sword orcs will come. Do not ignore them much as they are really winners of sword playing. They will not give to time to heal once they start moving their swords, they are not that stronger but good in sword battle, use Block&Slay trick to face them every time. But still also do not put all focus on the sword masters. Once you slay the Orc Champion they all will go down except the archers. So the strategy is this, when the OC(orc's champion) comes in just stand in front of the way and point your staff (for this phase choose Andriel as she has unlimited staff power shots) and command your partners to attack.once they get to OC, release the heavy power shot first. Then keep feeding the shots and also keep an toggle on your power bar, immediately reload when it not let him come, keep on throwing and he will release his soul in a minute or two. After OC dies, the archers will come down and surround you and
partners, quickly put the protection field around you and slay them off. 

You are done! 

Good Job!!